Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day Blessings

As you might know, today is Veteran's Day. Veteran’s Day commemorates the Armistice, which is when the Allies and Germans ended their fighting in World War I at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. Veteran’s Day has taken several forms throughout the years and been commemorated on different days, but the 1978 Congress set it as a state and federal holiday on November 11th. Veteran's Day was also set aside to remember all who have served, and are serving, in the US military.

In a time of war, it is even more important that we remember the men and women who have served our country so valiantly. Please remember those who are currently engaged in the fight for freedom against tyranny and terrorism. Also, say a special prayer for those who have paid the ultimate price to secure and preserve our freedom.

Here is a prayer I found and adapted for Veteran’s Day. As you read and pray these words, please think of the commitment and courage of those who have given – and give – so much!

God of peace, we pray for those who have served our nation and who laid down their lives to protect and defend our freedom. We pray for those who have fought; whose spirits and bodies are scarred by war; and whose nights are haunted by memories too painful for the light of day. We pray for those who serve us now, especially for those in harm’s way. Shield them from danger and bring them home safely. Let the peace you left us, the peace you gave us, be the peace that sustains, the peace that saves. Christ Jesus, hear us! Lord Jesus, hear our prayer!

Have a great day and pray for our nation’s veterans, past and present!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Swimming In The Murkiness of Sin

This past weekend, Tiffany and I helped chaperone the youth group’s trip to Lake Wedowee in Alabama. As it turns out, this lake is the location of two pretty significant and related lessons.

When I was youth-aged, I went to Wedowee for a weekend of lake fun. It was there I learned how important it is to wear sunscreen. I spent several hours out on a boat without it and got the worst sunburn of my life! I have the sun damage on my left arm to prove it! As I’ve gotten a little older and wiser, I wear sun screen religiously. And now, I’m supplementing my sun protection by wearing one of those nifty swim shirts, similar to what a surfer would wear. Lesson I.

This past weekend, prior to getting on the boat, I lathered up with an 85 SPF sunscreen. I then donned my swim shirt, which is solid white, to further protect my pasty-white torso. We then struck out on the boat for an afternoon of swimming, tubing, wakeboarding, etc. Once finished, we headed back to shore for the next slate of activities, which for me included lying around on a float – hard work to be sure! While Tiffany and I were swimming in the water, I made some comment about how clean the water appeared to be for lake water. She tacitly agreed and we continued our afternoon of leisure.

When our swimming session was completed, I made my way out of the water with Tiffany right behind me. Once I heaved myself out of the water, Tiffany was able to see my white swim shirt and commented on how dirty I was. I didn’t believe it until I actually pulled my shirt away from my body and saw how it was no longer white, but the color of a latte! While swimming in the lake, the murkiness of the water dyed my shirt a light brown! Returning home, I soaked it in a diluted bleach solution, but guess what? The shirt is still brown! Lesson II.

Having my swim shirt re-colored got me thinking about the murkiness of sin. While we are willingly swimming around in sin-stuff, we look around and think that all’s well. In fact, we look past what we’re really getting ourselves into and think that it isn’t so bad. In fact, it’s fun and probably even exciting. Not experiencing any immediate consequences, we get deceived into thinking that we are above the need to avoid whatever it is we’re doing. It’s all about deception, and while we’re enjoying ourselves, we are deceived that what we’re doing is a-ok. The problem, however, is that it isn’t a-ok, and we’re being tainted while note even knowing it. Quoth Scooby Doo, “Ruh Roh!”

Once tainted with sin, there is nothing we can do on our own to cleanse ourselves. We can try with all our Humpty-Dumptyesque efforts to wash the sin away, but we simply aren’t capable. We need some help. That’s where GOD comes in, because it is GOD alone who cleanses us from the stain of sin. “Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.” (Psalm 51.7)

GOD came to us in the person of Jesus Christ, and in Jesus’ sacrifice, broke the strangle-hold that sin has on us forever. In accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life, you can receive the immeasurable blessings of eternal life that begins with the cleansing of sin. Revelation 7.15 tells us that those who believe in Jesus and follow Him will be able to wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb, making them white again—whiter than snow! It’s the blood of Christ that cleanses us better than any bleach ever could.

If you have been swimming in the murkiness of sin, thinking that you’re staying clean, be careful! The honest truth, though, is this applies to us all. Accepting Christ, however, cleanses you from the inside out, purifying you, making you whiter than snow. Accept GOD’s love for you. Embrace Jesus’ sacrifice on your behalf. Go to Him to be cleansed. The murkiness of sin stains even if you aren’t aware of it, but GOD alone makes you clean. So take a dip in the living water of GOD’s love! Get clean, stay that way, and may it change the way you live forever!!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Great Quote

Pastor Rick Warren is someone I follow on Twitter. You may know of Rick as the Pastor of the Saddleback Church in California and the bestselling author of the books, "The Purpose Driven Church" and "The Purpose Driven Life." Earlier in the week, he tweeted something that strikes me in light of my earlier blog post. He tweeted:

"I believe in the separation of church and hate."
~ Rick Warren*

So do I! May we all as we shine the LIGHT and LOVE of GOD!!!

*You can see Rick Warren on Twitter by clicking here.

Remembering 9/11

I got to sleep in this morning. It was nice. We have a busy day in store for us, as my mom is headed down to Newnan to spend some time with us and to have me help her with some techno-things. I got out of bed, put on my UGA game day gear, and shuffled to the kitchen for my first cup of coffee. Through my overslept stupor, I turned on the TV and was immediately hit with the profound significance of the day ... a day that has forever changed America and the world. Video footage from that day was being replayed, while pictures of those who were lost graced the screen. My stomach turned and I was automatically taken back to that fateful morning.

9/11/2001: a mere month since my dad had died and the time when Tiffany had just learned she was pregnant with Ethan. I was exercising and listening to people vent on sports talk radio about how my beloved Bulldawgs had lost 14-9 to the South Carolina Gamecocks the Saturday before. Once the news started to break, the talk shifted from football Xs-and-Os to what was transpiring in New York. I immediately changed the channel to NBC and the Today Show to watch coverage of this bizarre tragedy. Of course at that time, no one knew the extent of what that day would become.

As the events unfolded, I was glued to the television screen. My heart – which was already conflicted in the grief of losing my dad and the expectancy of welcoming Ethan to the world – began to break for those who had perished. It didn’t take long before the phone rang and it was the senior pastor of the church where I was serving telling me that we were planning a worship service for later that day. He wanted me to begin brainstorming how we would approach this unprecedented (at least in my lifetime) opportunity to shine the light of the Gospel into the lives of a frightened people. The day became very busy from that point, and I can only remember a couple more details, but two things still stand out in my mind.

The first is how after the service, as the sun had gone down for the night, I went out into our backyard and prayed to GOD, just as I had done many times. The oddity of looking up into the sky and seeing no airplanes still makes me cringe.

The second is something from a little earlier in the day, and it was the news of the man who was officially identified as the very first casualty of 9/11 – Father Mychael Judge, the New York Fire Department Chaplain, who was killed by flying debris in lobby of the North Tower as the South Tower collapsed. As news of the attacks reached the emergency responders, Father Judge raced to the scene to offer his help and spiritual support. He was greeted by Mayor Giuliani, who asked him to pray for the victims of the attack and the entire city. He was with other firefighters, helping the victims – many of whom would not survive the day – offering Last Rites as he was killed. His funeral was attended by 3,000 persons, including dignitaries like former President Bill Clinton. In fact, following the funeral, his fire helmet was taken to the Vatican where it was presented to Pope John Paul! This was a man who had given his life to show love in a time and a place where it was practically absent.

Because of the way he lived his life, Father Mychael Judge was known and loved by many, and the story of his impact was shared in our Memorial Service at Saint Andrew UMC in Marietta. You see, I had been scouring the Internet all day long trying to figure out what in the world to include in a service like that! It was then I had found some info about Father Judge and how he died in ministry to the victims of that day. During my simple research, I found a prayer he was known to use to help order his life that we used in our service. I have since used it many times myself, even making it into a bookmark that I carry around in one of my Bibles. That prayer is:

"Lord, take me where You want me to go,
let me meet who You want me to meet,
tell me what You want me to say,
and keep me out of Your way.
Father Mychael Judge

That prayer strikes me today, just as it did then. We are called to give our lives in service to the world, and use every bit of ourselves to make Jesus known, but we cannot do that if we are consumed with hate. That was not how Jesus was, and certainly isn’t how He calls us to live today.

There has been a lot of talk in the news recently that, in my opinion, is giving Christians a bad name. In defense of GOD and the faith, some have fallen into the trap of hating those who aren’t like us. This bothers me! At the time Jesus was being arrested for his mock trial and imminent execution, Peter pulled out a sword to fight off those who were attacking him. Not only did Jesus order Peter to put that sword away, but Jesus healed the man’s ear that Peter had lopped off! (See John 18) The same man who had come to arrest him … now THAT’S grace and love! Jesus had every right to use His cosmic power for defense or retaliation, but He chose a way that strikes us in the heart of our own bent toward hate when confronted with a tragedy, and He did it with love.

I understand why people are up in arms about Bibles being burned, Christians being persecuted, and GOD being forced out of the public awareness, but friend – and this is a growing burden in my spirit – we aren’t doing Jesus any favors by fighting fire with fire! The greatest response we could possibly have is to love with the love of Christ in spite of the problems in the world. This, to me, is a much stronger statement, than falling to the level of others who do hateful things. Love is our only tool and weapon in this fight – loving like Jesus!

Here, on this 9th anniversary of 9/11, and considering all the unrest around us, it is evident to me in a powerful way that love is the answer for the world. It isn’t in burning books or shouting hateful things to people who aren’t like us, it’s about showing love to others in the face of all the reasons we should not. It’s a day we will never forget, and we never should. This isn’t the time for hate, this is the time for love … and LOTS of it!

I want to leave you with words from the Apostle Paul, as paraphrased by Eugene Peterson in The Message, “Love from the center of who you are; don't fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle. Don't burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don't quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality. Bless your enemies; no cursing under your breath. Laugh with your happy friends when they're happy; share tears when they're down. Get along with each other; don't be stuck-up. Make friends with nobodies; don't be the great somebody. Don't hit back; discover beauty in everyone. If you've got it in you, get along with everybody. Don't insist on getting even; that's not for you to do. "I'll do the judging," says God. "I'll take care of it." Our Scriptures tell us that if you see your enemy hungry, go buy that person lunch, or if he's thirsty, get him a drink. Your generosity will surprise him with goodness. Don't let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good.” (Romans 12.9-21, MSG)

Have a great day, remember 9/11, and find a way to love like Jesus, for this is how we’ll change the world!

Monday, August 2, 2010

You Are Scent

You might have heard that the sense of smell is the strongest sense tied to memory. This essentially has to do with how we store information. When our brain remembers something, it tries to take in all the sensory information around us. As time goes by, however, only the strongest sense associations’ stay with the memory and that usually is the sense of smell. Think about it ... just a whiff of a certain aroma can transport you through time and space to a certain event or place. Maybe freshly baked goodies, a particular cleaning product, cologne or perfume, or any other fragrance can help you recall something meaningful and important. It really is extraordinary if you think about it!

The Apostle Paul must have known about this phenomenon, too. In II Corinthians 2.14-16 he wrote, "But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task?" (emphasis mine)

Paul is making a direct connection here between the sense of smell and memory/knowledge! He is saying that as we impact the world, the sweetness of GOD's love lived out in the lives of GOD's people creates an indelible impression on the lives of those impacted. So in essence, when we serve, share, and shine to others for GOD, it is a total sensory experience that impacts this person's life for eternity!

Paul asks in verse 16, "And who is equal to the task?" This is quite a question, isn't it? Living for GOD can seem daunting at times, can't it? We might struggle with loving others, working with and for the poor, getting out of our comfort zone to welcome a stranger, or make sacrifices to be generous. When first faced with such a question we might think we can easily raise our hands and say, "Me, me, me!" but when we really count the cost, we might run the risk of thinking we just can't put ourselves out there like that. It seems pretty easy on the surface, but it becomes quite a challenge in reality, doesn't it!?

Make no mistake about it, our world is in trouble. It doesn't take a lot for the stench of death to remind us of all the struggle and suffering in our midst. You name it, turn on the news and you'll be confronted with enough famine, pestilence, and violence to make you think there isn't any hope. But the promise of the Gospel says that the sweet smell of life is stronger than that of death. The world, my friends, needs GOD's aroma, and every single one of us has been especially selected for the task of being the sweet fragrance of Jesus (NEW LIFE!!!) in the world.

We are called to spread GOD's light, love, and fragrance with the world. Jesus said, "...let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5.16) We are, in other words, GOD's aromatherapy candle shining in the darkness and adding the Lord's sweet fragrance to a world in decay. Are you up for this task, being sent to be GOD's scent in the world?

So let the light of GOD shine brightly in you today and spread the sweetness of GOD's love with the world around you! You are sent to be GOD's scent -- the aromatherapy of new life -- so others can know of GOD's love and remember GOD's promises even when surrounded by the decay of the world.

Shine brightly and smell sweetly, my friends!!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


There is a story about a father and his son that I used in worship this past Sunday. The father had come home from a long day at work and was eager to get in his easy chair and read the paper. In this story like in many homes across this world, the little boy interrupts his father’s quiet time as all little children have a tendency to do. Wanting his father’s attention, he begs, requests, asks and demands until his father comes up with a clever idea. He flips to the weekly magazine section he had already read and tore out a page. It was a picture of the earth.

The father, thinking he was very clever, tore this picture of the world into many tiny pieces. As he handed his son the handful of confetti, he told him it was a puzzle and to put it together. His son went into the kitchen and sat at the table. With a little peace and quiet the man reclined just a little more into his chair, when suddenly, his boy came bounding into the room!

He jumped into his daddy’s lap as he asked how in the world she could have finished so soon? His son replied, “It was easy! On the back was a picture of Jesus’ face. When I got Jesus’ face all right, the world came out just fine.”

There is no doubt that the world is in chaos right now. Between the fluctuating economy, the threat of terrorism, and a changing political climate, it is easy to get concerned. After all, when it seems everything in which we place our faith is in flux, it is easy to feel unstable. This is not how we were designed to live, however.

Throughout history, things have seemed uncertain for God’s people. From the days of Noah on the ark, slavery in Egypt, being lost in the wilderness, and awaiting the Messiah’s arrival, God’s people have wondered if life could ever get worse. Still, God was there and never left His children alone. Sure times got tough—sure God got tough—but through it all, the Lord was there.

The same is true today. One cannot help but turn on the television or radio and wonder if Chicken Little might be on to something (The sky is falling! The Sky is falling!). We hear reports all of sorts of atrocities and we fall to our knees feeling our worldly home is in a shambled wreck. “When will enough be enough?” we think and pray. We hope in God but our faith wavers. What can happen next? Allow me to make a proactive suggestion…people of faith unite!

It’s time to stand up and show that the answer is found in the loving face of Jesus, praise the Lord! Let’s stand up and shout aloud that this is the message to change the world. Not some political platform. Not some economic policy. Not even the creation of another government office, but the loving face of Jesus Christ.

Jesus is the One who knows our fears. Jesus is the One who knows our voice. Jesus is the One who has calmed the storms and is sure to calm them again. He just needs faithful folk like you and me to get the word out and share the love in His eyes with the world.

Burt Bacharach had it right when he sang, “What the world needs now is love, sweet love,” and there is no sweeter love than Jesus’. So let’s share it and change the world around us, one soul at a time. Because I am convinced when everyone sees the face of Jesus and recognize it as Lord and Savior of all life, the puzzle will be solved and the world will come out just fine.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day, Everyone!
This is a very meaningful day for my family and me. I have many friends and family members who have, or are, serving in the US Military. In fact, as I sit in my "man cave," I cannot help but see the US flag presented to our family during my maternal grandfather's burial for serving in the Navy during WWII. It is a cherished piece of national and family history, and I know there are many many more like it adorning living rooms, offices, etc. throughout this great land of ours. And even if you do not necessarily agree with all of this country's politics and policies, the brave men and women who have and are sacrificing so much are worthy of our pause.

Memorial Day, like any of our holidays, seems to be better known for the things we do as opposed to the reason we celebrate. It has become synonymous with the end of the school year, time off from work, vacations, grilling, baseball, swimming, etc., but its meaning is so much deeper. I do not think there's anything wrong with enjoying our freedom and liberty on days like today; in fact, this is precisely why those who gave their lives served in the first place! There are a few things we can do, however, to get the most out of this day, and I want to offer these mere suggestions as a way to truly enjoy Memorial Day.

1) Remember: Remember why we have this day to begin with. While we are enjoying our time away from the monotony of everyday life, there are people who awake this morning with a void in their lives as a result of the loss of a loved one who paid the ultimate sacrifice. While you remember your freedom, remember those to whom this day is a reminder of loss.

2) Pause & Pray: Remember to pause and pray to thank God for those who heeded the call to serve. This can be done before getting out of the bed, before the cookout, or while kneeling at your bedside tonight. The bottom line, though, is to pause and remember that sacrifice is an extremely biblical concept, and even God paid it all in Jesus to secure our freedom and way of eternal life.

3) Display: Remember to find a way to display your patriotism, pride, and/or need. I was in a neighborhood the other day that draped small American flags over the mailboxes, as an example. I myself am wearing red, white, and blue today. I also am wearing one of my favorite cross necklaces near my heart to remind me that Jesus paid it all, too, for my freedom and liberation from sin and death.

4) CELEBRATE: Not everything has to be solemn, and I think it's critically important to remember to CELEBRATE!!! After all, like I said previously, we need to celebrate the freedom we enjoy because these brave men and women paid it all, or are currently in harm's way to protect and preserve our freedom. Even with God, we have been granted liberation from the sting of death and are called to enjoy His love and creation. Memorial Day celebrations provide unique opportunities to do that with friends and family, too, so let's celebrate the sacrifice as well as the fun we can enjoy as a result!

Whatever your day has in store for you, I hope it is blessed for you and yours. I, myself, will be remembering those who served (like both my grandfathers, great uncle, and childhood best friend among others); pausing and praying several times today, especially before I devour the burger I'm gonna grill; displaying my pride and faith; and celebrating the freedom that has been secured at such a great price. These freedoms and blessings are first and foremost in my mind today, and I'm going to remember all that was given to make it possible. Will you join me?

Happy Memorial Day!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

I am reminded this Easter morning of a hymn that I sang in the church where I grew up each and every Easter Sunday. It is not in the setlist for worship at The Lighthouse this morning, but I guarantee it will most likely be the song I sing the most through out the day. Here are the lines from the first verse and chorus of "He Lives"*:

I serve a risen Saviour,
He's in the world today;
I know that He is living,
Whatever foes might say;
I see His hand of mercy,
I hear His voice of cheer,
And just the time I need Him
He's always near.


He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today!
He walks with me and He talks with me
Along life's narrow way.
He lives, He live, salvation to impart!
You ask me how I know He lives:
He lives within my heart.

I pray you have an A-mazing Easter with your loved ones today. I know I'm especially excited this year, because directly following the conclusion of worship today, Tiffany, Ethan, and I will join our ENTIRE family on my dad's side in Cordele, GA for Easter dinner. To the best of my recollection, it will be the first Easter dinner I will have ever had with my paternal grandmother. While we're down there, Easter baskets will be opened, eggs will be hunted, and the things that make Easter fun will be celebrated. But my prayer is that while we all enjoy family and some play time, that we remember that this day is as special as it is for one reason, and one reason only: He Lives!

Happy Easter!

*He Lives was written by Alfred Ackley, 1933

Friday, April 2, 2010

BE the Doodle

Tiffany and I were watching FOX News earlier today while enjoying our morning coffee. During the newscast, they made the observation that the web search giant, Google, did not have a reference to Good Friday in the “doodle” on their homepage. The Google Doodle is the name given to the drawings incorporated in the Google name as a heading for their search page. Despite Google’s practice of honoring birthdays of significant people and major holidays with their doodles, they decided it was best to glance over Good Friday in deference to the 205th anniversary of Hans Christian Anderson’s birth. I’m not kidding.

The people at FOX really wanted to make this a big deal. It even got my dander up or a few minutes, but then I calmed down. Would I like it if Google made a big deal about one of the most significant days in the course of eternity? Sure! Is it sad how political correctness in our culture seems to be taking on the role of a religion? Absolutely! But in the end, will it make that big of a difference? Nope; not at all.

People have tried to quiet or ignore Jesus and His Movement ever since the days He walked the earth in His bodily form. The societal powers-that-be have always tried to squelch His message and downplay His significance. Yet, despite all their efforts, Jesus is STILL the most significant person who ever has – and ever will – live. While a Google Doodle would be a nice way to honor Him, it isn’t by any means the best way to shine light onto Jesus.

So if not a Google Doodle, then how might we best honor Jesus, you might ask? Well the answer is simple and as old as the Jesus Movement itself: use your life! The most profound witness for Jesus always has been, and always will be, the story of a transformed life. Though I don’t have any empirical evidence, my gut tells me that people seeking meaning in this life get turned off by our holy wars on political correctness. The real passion and power behind the Jesus Movement has always been the light and love shared with those in need. The shining light of Christianity has always been when Jesus’ followers engage the world by feeding the hungry, giving the thirsty something to drink, showing hospitality to complete strangers, taking care of the sick, and visiting the imprisoned, all in the name of Jesus. (Matthew 25.36-41) In other words, the tools of proclaiming God’s love in Jesus are in compassion and personal witness inspired by the power of God’s love for us in Jesus.

This does not let us off the hook for shouting Jesus’ love to creation, though…quite the contrary! But in a world that seeks to keep Jesus’ followers quiet for the sake of political correctness, the loudest way to proclaim Christ’s love is to live out loud and let your life be the doodle! Don’t count on Google to do your work for you while you go about passively doing your thang; let your living and loving actions speak as you serve, share, and shine for the Lord!

Since today is Good Friday, it’s the perfect time to start. Let God’s love for you overflow into your life so you can go into the world and proclaim the power and passion of Jesus. Have a great day and BE the Doodle!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Wake-Up Call

Does God ever wake you up in the morning with something on your heart? There are definite periods of time when I am awakened with scripture verses and/or certain songs burned into my consciousness. I never think of these as coincidences, because I believe God is always at work in our heart, mind, body, and spirit -- even when we sleep! Scour the scripture and see how many times God spoke to people in their sleep; it definitely happens. Perhaps this is because it's harder for us to tune Him out with television, radio, Twitter and Facebook, or any other distraction.

I was awakened this morning with Philippians 2.5 in my heart and head, "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus..." I cannot tell you how many times I've read that verse, but the 'attitude' part really resonated with me. I know about bad attitudes; I've had them and know people who do, too. If we're to have the same attitude as Jesus, that has some serious implications for us, doesn't it?

This attitude adjustment can be summed up in four little words with eternal power: GOD is in control. If you're facing a tough time, GOD is in control. If you're in grief, GOD is in control. If things are going well for you right now, GOD is in control.

I am the kind of person who is guilty of thinking and believing that the sun rises and sets with me. I put way too much responsibility on myself and get burned out and worn out, but the fact of the matter is, GOD is in control. If Jesus, with all He had to do, had the attitude that GOD was in control and He would go and serve wherever and however God the Father chose, then why should I approach my own life any differently? Talk about a wake-up call for life!

Friends, GOD is in control! As Acts 17.28 says, "In Him we live and move and have our being." So may we take our hands of the reins and let God reign for once in our lives -- we're living, moving, and being with Him anyway! Let it be a wake-up call to let GOD be in control and adjust your attitude accordingly.

Have a great day!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Some Thoughts On Prayer, Life, & Change

I've been thinking about yesterday's talk more than usual. In the message, I talked about X-ponential Growth and what it means for us as God's children. In scientific terms, exponential growth is what happens at the molecular level as our cells divide and multiply to provide basic bodily functions like grow hair, replace skin, and repair muscle. All of this change going on within us isn't necessarily discernable at the time, but the results of it are. We know when we need to cut our hair, when we heal from a sunburn or small wound, and feel better after a workout. This change in the form of growth is just a part of life and who we are. God has designed us this way and takes great joy in watching us become the splendid creature He created. As we acknowledge that this growth process happens within us physically, we can also come to the awareness that it's happening spiritually as well.

God doesn't just download all the information we need to be Jesus followers at our conversion. No, we have a life-long process of learning and growing into the children of God we are created to be. It sure would be easier to have all the perspective in the world – especially when life doesn't go our way – but this learning process is designed to draw us closer to God and others in His family. As we live life with and for God through others, we see similarities and experience common ground we might otherwise not have known was there. We are to look at life through transformed eyes, though I'll be the first to declare this is rarely easy. This is why faith is known as the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen (Hebrews 11.1); it requires us to look to God first as opposed to the things we decide are ,or are not, going our way. Friends, this requires a fundamental change in the way we live life, for we might think we're lost in the shadows, but because of God's love, the only shadow that is cast is that of the cross of Jesus Christ, guaranteeing God's victory and our salvation.

I contend that prayer is the fundamental and most critical element as we begin to consider how we must change the way we view life. When we go to God in prayer, we look to get on the same page He's on. We might think it's to get God to do what we want, but it's really to find out what God wants us to do. When we approach prayer accordingly, then we'll find ourselves changed. The only problem is, this is rarely how we approach it – all too often we ask God to "give me," or "help me," when in reality, we need to ask God to "change me." As Paul said, we all will be changed (1 Corinthians 15.51), so let's make sure we're being changed into the image of God. And again, this shows the importance of prayer as we seek to conform to God's will as opposed to demanding that God conform to ours.

Here are some quotes on prayer and change that have been resonating within me the last several days:

- The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays. (Soren Kierkegaard)

- Be the change you want to see in the world. (Gandhi)

- Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it. (Unknown)

My prayer as we enter this season of Lent is that we look to God in the midst of life's victories and defeats. To know that the only shadow we truly experience is the shadow of the cross, because our salvation has already been won! We need to Get on God's page and allow Him to steady our restless hearts. He loves us more than we can imagine and has more in store for us than we can conceive.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Importance of Play

Playing is important. It's so important that even the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights declared that play is a basic human right for every child! You can click here to read a list of the benefits of play, presented through the University of Delaware. Suffice it to say, play isn’t just for passing time or keeping children occupied; no, it has a very specific design. Prolific Christian author, CS Lewis said something to the effect of since playing is so important, it must have been designed by God. I think this is true.

We’ve gotten away from play. In our hyperactive culture, we put more value on working hard and productivity. As a result, many of us have lost touch with our creative and fun-loving side. Remember the famous saying, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Just look at Jack Nicholson’s character in, “The Shining.”

I think we need to recapture the importance and benefits of play for our sake, for God’s, as well as our task of bringing people into God’s family. Play is fun, it helps us relieve stress, and it even draws a crowd!

So I ask these questions, and please, let me know what you think:

• What do you think about the importance of playing?
• How can play change the way we worship God?
• How can play change the way we serve God?

Friday, January 29, 2010

Confessions from a Dad Who Is Trying

I am a dad who is trying to do the best job I can. Some days are better than others. Today was one of those days when I had a, "Oh, ok, I get it" moment.

I was helping Ethan get ready for school while we watched an episode from his favorite cartoon, "Pokémon." If you aren't familiar with Pokémon, there are like a bajillion different characters with a gazillion different attributes, powers, and abilities. I cannot overemphasize this fact: he knows them all. Literally. So while we were watching the show this morning, he wanted to tell me every last little minute detail about the characters highlighted in the program. But it was early and I wasn't in the mood. He wasn't really alert enough yet to frame a coherent thought without infinitely more pauses, "ums" and "uhs" than actual intelligible words. The result was I only heard a fraction of what he was saying. I was looking at him, only half-way listening, and trying to nod and offer verbal cues pretending that I was paying attention. That was when I noticed how totally passionate he was about this moment he was sharing with his dad. I felt guilty and then gave him my undivided attention, although I still cannot tell a Dragonite apart from a Rhyperior.

I felt convicted because I knew I needed to listen. Sharing this moment with me was meaningful to my son, even though it really didn't register in my pre-dawn malaise. He felt it important enough to share something that interests him so much and I was barely paying him a lick of attention. Then it hit me: how often do I, in my prayer time, stammer and stumble through my words while going on and on about things that might seem pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things? Yet God loves me enough to sit and listen to each and every word with His divine ear tuned especially to the cares of my life; cares that might not mean a whole lot to anybody else and pale in comparison to the full purpose God has for me. But God loves the interaction. God loves it when we share what's going on in our lives, and the opportunity to relate to us in a very loving and personal way.

The Bible tells us over and over again that God loves us like a holy parent; but friends, that doesn't even begin to scratch the surface. In those moments we as parents might tune our little ones out, get frustrated with stories that go on and on and on and on, and not really try to figure out why things mean so much to our beloved about which we could honestly care less, God is really truly listening and showering us with His presence. God really truly cares about the things we care about. He always pays attention, listens to us intently, and enjoys sharing in the things that make us happy. Shouldn't that change the way we interact with others, especially those we love so dearly?

So I confess that there are times I really don't do that great of a job in listening to Ethan when he's talking about his love of Pokémon. But because I love him, he deserves the best out of me. I know there will be days in the not-too-distant-future when I'll long for these innocent conversations from his childhood. So my prayer today is that I can stop what I'm doing to show my son the attention he deserves, knowing full well that God is always there for me. Like I said, I'm a dad who is trying. May love shape us all after the image of God!

Monday, January 25, 2010

God Is The Contractor In The Remodel Of Your Life

I ran into a local retailer a while back to pick up a few items. On the window was a sign that said something to the effect of, "Pardon our mess, we're renovating to be able to better serve our customers." When I went inside, I was flabbergasted—the store was going through a major remodel. Aisles were all out of place, items were strewn all over, and there was a nearly overwhelming odor of paint and other chemicals. I considered turning right around and walking out. After all, I thought it made perfect sense for the store to have just closed down until the remodel was complete. That way, its faithful customers would not have to see or smell the state of our trusty disheveled market.

I was pressed for time, so I decided to go ahead and get what I needed, and boy am I gad I did! Though I was initially stunned by the unkempt appearance, I could see something magical taking place before my eyes! Fresh paint was going on the walls. New flooring was being laid. All sorts of decorative touches were being added. Shelves and the goods they held were being moved around for better accessibility and visibility. Surely it was inconvenient because everything was in virtual chaos, but it was obvious what was going on: the store was being transformed, enhanced, and improved!

It did not take long before I saw the master of the reconstruction. The store manager was walking around with the contractor, pointing out things that needed to be done, redone, or whatever. The manager was intimately involved with the work to ensure the store under her care was up to her specifications. All the work was being completed according to a plan to make it better, brighter, and more beneficial to the people who counted on it for life-sustaining food, medicine, and other products. I walked in with a grimace but out with a grin because I could not help but see the symbolism!

When we first accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, a great transformation begins to take place. As Paul says, “…if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5.17, emphasis mine) God moves and begins renovating according to His holy blueprint. God wants to make sure that accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior of our life transforms us from the inside out until we resemble the image of His Son.

God’s divine remodel in our lives is done according to His holy purpose. These changes might seem a little out of order, hectic, or chaotic, but we must hold on in faith to God’s vision for our life. God sees us not only as we are, but as we will be once the remodel is complete. Things might seem out of place right now, but God knows exactly what He is doing. As He says in Jeremiah 29.11, “‘I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” And the good news is, God is intimately involved in the remodel.

God has a plan and a purpose for your life. He wants to make you new! God wants to see you transformed from the inside out so you too can be better, brighter, and more beneficial for yourself, others, and God. The good news is, too, that this is a plan God has been working on since the beginning of time. Jeremiah 1.5 says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart….” And Romans 8.29 says, “For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son….” God wants like nothing else for us to resemble Jesus and He will stop at nothing to remodel us accordingly!

So trust in God, His love for you, and the plan He has for your life. Trust in the fact He wants to make you new, and embrace the hope of a new you for a better and brighter life! It might seem crazy at first, but God wants to show and share with you the unsearchable riches of being in a relationship with Him!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Checking In On Your New Year

I hope the first two weeks of your New Year have been fulfilling. Much is made this time of year about resolutions. I have been amazed at the numerous advertisements for home gyms, workout facilities, diet programs, and nutritional supplements. All this centers on making a fresh start after overindulging at holiday feasts and celebrations. You wake up several days in a row with bloating and indigestion and it doesn’t take much to want to reform. Then when you step on the scale…egad! Experts estimate that the average American gains ten pounds of weight from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day. There is no wonder then that just as there is a season for Thanksgiving and Christmas, January has become the season for fresh starts.

Needless to say, our weight loss efforts (or other New Year’s Resolutions) are only as attainable as we allow them to be. When we set lofty goals that are difficult to reach at best, we set ourselves up for failure. I might have in my mind’s eye a picture of Hollywood’s hottest celebrity for how I want to look, but it simply might not be attainable. Outside of genetics, there are a lot of other factors that play into these equations, ranking from the time for austere workout regimes to the money for top-dollar personal trainers and even cosmetic surgery. Then, when it’s all said and done, they don’t call makeup artists and special effects wizards the magicians of Hollywood for nothing! But I digress.

When we center our quest for fresh starts on bathroom scales or mirrors, then we fall way short. As author James Luceno says, we can look at ourselves in the mirror for an eternity and we no more become our reflection than a map becomes the land you want to visit. So for a true fresh start we must look deeper, and ironically enough, aim higher!

Our God wants to offer you the best fresh start you could ever hope for. God wants you to know the depth of His love and the warmth of His embrace. God wants you to know the power of His Holy Spirit to work on your heart and change your life!

Many of us have lived at times in our lives feeling like we have just gotten through the holidays, bloated with indigestion. Many of us know that feeling of being compelled to make a lasting change in our lives. And we all want to know the power of living life with a clean conscience, empowered for making a difference in the world for good!

So look no further than the God who created you and loves you more than anything. We cannot derive our value or beauty from a mirror or bathroom scale. But when we place our life in the hand of almighty God, then we realize we are priceless: created out of love and redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. Couple that with the lethargic feeling of overindulgences, and we know beyond the shadow of a doubt that we need a new lord in our lives. One that doesn’t judge us by the way we look or how much we weigh, but by the potential only God Himself is capable of seeing.

Whatever your New Year’s resolution might be for 2010, I pray that you aim higher than simply to lose weight (though I confess it’s one of mine, too) or anything else. If it’s a fresh start we crave, there is no better place to turn than our God who loves us so dearly. So turn to Him, allow Him to bathe you in the depths of His love, warm you in His embrace, and empower you with His Holy Spirit! And again, may I wish you a Happy New Year!