Wednesday, July 28, 2010


There is a story about a father and his son that I used in worship this past Sunday. The father had come home from a long day at work and was eager to get in his easy chair and read the paper. In this story like in many homes across this world, the little boy interrupts his father’s quiet time as all little children have a tendency to do. Wanting his father’s attention, he begs, requests, asks and demands until his father comes up with a clever idea. He flips to the weekly magazine section he had already read and tore out a page. It was a picture of the earth.

The father, thinking he was very clever, tore this picture of the world into many tiny pieces. As he handed his son the handful of confetti, he told him it was a puzzle and to put it together. His son went into the kitchen and sat at the table. With a little peace and quiet the man reclined just a little more into his chair, when suddenly, his boy came bounding into the room!

He jumped into his daddy’s lap as he asked how in the world she could have finished so soon? His son replied, “It was easy! On the back was a picture of Jesus’ face. When I got Jesus’ face all right, the world came out just fine.”

There is no doubt that the world is in chaos right now. Between the fluctuating economy, the threat of terrorism, and a changing political climate, it is easy to get concerned. After all, when it seems everything in which we place our faith is in flux, it is easy to feel unstable. This is not how we were designed to live, however.

Throughout history, things have seemed uncertain for God’s people. From the days of Noah on the ark, slavery in Egypt, being lost in the wilderness, and awaiting the Messiah’s arrival, God’s people have wondered if life could ever get worse. Still, God was there and never left His children alone. Sure times got tough—sure God got tough—but through it all, the Lord was there.

The same is true today. One cannot help but turn on the television or radio and wonder if Chicken Little might be on to something (The sky is falling! The Sky is falling!). We hear reports all of sorts of atrocities and we fall to our knees feeling our worldly home is in a shambled wreck. “When will enough be enough?” we think and pray. We hope in God but our faith wavers. What can happen next? Allow me to make a proactive suggestion…people of faith unite!

It’s time to stand up and show that the answer is found in the loving face of Jesus, praise the Lord! Let’s stand up and shout aloud that this is the message to change the world. Not some political platform. Not some economic policy. Not even the creation of another government office, but the loving face of Jesus Christ.

Jesus is the One who knows our fears. Jesus is the One who knows our voice. Jesus is the One who has calmed the storms and is sure to calm them again. He just needs faithful folk like you and me to get the word out and share the love in His eyes with the world.

Burt Bacharach had it right when he sang, “What the world needs now is love, sweet love,” and there is no sweeter love than Jesus’. So let’s share it and change the world around us, one soul at a time. Because I am convinced when everyone sees the face of Jesus and recognize it as Lord and Savior of all life, the puzzle will be solved and the world will come out just fine.

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