Friday, July 10, 2009

On MapQuest & Life's Direction

Our family was driving home from visiting Tiffany’s parents the other day when we had to make a detour for Tiff’s job. We had MapQuest directions and were following them, but suddenly the name of the road we were traveling changed. We were supposed to be on this one country road for 16 miles and were barely half way through it. We knew that to backtrack was going to cost us a lot of extra time, but going forward might get us crazy lost. I decided to forge ahead until we got to a fork in the road that was not mentioned on MapQuest. Egad, what to do?!?! I paused, thought for a bit, and considered my direction; I knew how I was supposed to go and let that be my guide, trusting my resource. It turns out that within a mile or two, we saw a familiar landmark and realized we were right where we were supposed to be all along. All the anxiety had passed and we made our way home without incident.

As I think about this driving adventure, it makes me consider life and how this is something we might face quite often. Even if we consider last week’s message Hero in Abraham, God told him He had a plan and purpose for His life, but that didn’t mean He gave Abe every last detail. God placed Abraham in the right direction and asked Abraham to trust in Him. God often does the same thing with us. When we’re be-bopping through life, we might not think about all the details, but certain times arise – particularly when we face crossroads – when we need to pause, think on God and remember the direction He’s placed in our lives.

This can be frustrating because most of us prefer lists over adventure – we’d prefer to know every zig and zag of life so there’s no question as to where we’re going. We don’t have anything to worry about because we know exactly where we’re supposed to go and when. Yet for some reason, God doesn’t often operate like this. God wants us to trust Him and follow His leading. If we had all the details and knew exactly what to do when, then we might be deceived into the thinking that we have all we need to function in life. God would rather us trust in Him, for as the Bible says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3.5)

What is going on in your life that God is asking you to simply trust Him? Where might God be asking you to simply pause, place your focus back on Him, and trust the direction He’s placed in your life? How have certain events when you have or haven’t trusted God changed your life? God is there to give you the direction you need, but is also asking you to trust Him as life unfolds. God is trustworthy and true, so trust in Him, the direction He has placed in your life, and look forward to the adventure ahead of you!!!

Friday, July 3, 2009


Here we are on the cusp of Independence Day, and I was thinking about what it means to be free. As a young man, I was prone to choosing the path of least resistance. This might have kept me out of trouble, but I was not truly free. This 4th of July I am thinking more about personal freedom than national liberty, and it is important to think about times when we come to experience true freedom of heart and soul.

My elementary school sponsored an annual trip for 4th and 5th graders to the Rock Eagle camp in Eatonton, Georgia. There was a nominal registration fee ($30 I think) and my parents’ stipulation was that if I was going to Rock Eagle I had to come up with half the money. If I did my chores and stocked away a percentage of my allowance, there would be no problem whatsoever in earning the necessary $15 by the registration deadline. But as the case with most free spending nine-year-olds, I became enamored with the latest toy or sweetest candy, thinking I would be able to make up the money spent with an extra chore or two. As the day of reckoning approached, I went to my piggy bank to get my share of the fee, but to my great surprise, there was only $10; considerably short of the $15 I needed. Then my diabolical mind began to turn. My younger brother had recently enjoyed a birthday and there was little chance, I thought, he would miss a measly $5. So I went into his bank, took the bill, and proudly presented my Mom my share of the registration fee.

Days and weeks went by and my brother never noticed his cash was missing until it was time to fork over the dough for this shiny new remote-controlled boat he wanted. He was $5 short, a conspicuous amount to be sure, since he was certain he had the money. My conscience caught up with me in a mighty way and I confessed my moment of weakness and indiscretion, hoping for leniency in my honesty, but my penalty was severe. First, my dishonesty forfeited me the opportunity to go to Rock Eagle while I stayed at home, grounded. Next, I had to tell my teachers why I had to stay behind. Then, I had to pay back the registration fee out of my allowance. Boy did I think this penalty was stiff because it caused me a financial setback as well as personal humiliation as I watched the bus pull off. One thing is for sure, however, I never stole again and my Mom and Dad instilled within me a deep appreciation for the truth.

In John 8:31-32, I am reminded of a word from the Lord as, Jesus said, “If you abide in my word, you are my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” As I reflect over how that moment shaped me as an individual, I cannot help but think there are areas in all of our lives where we need to face the truth and allow ourselves the freedom that comes from living in a right relationship with God and our neighbor. Perhaps, we have been selling our partners short and not giving them the love they deserve. Perhaps we are guilty of stealing from ones we love or faceless folks in the community. Perhaps we have even cheated God and ourselves trying to get ahead at the expense of others. But if we hear the words of Jesus, then we know beyond the shadow of a doubt that there is no substitute for doing the right thing. And when we do, we can experience a great freedom for living…freedom from conscience, guilt, and shame.

So this Independence Day, might I impress upon you the importance of discovering a personal freedom by freeing yourself from the trapping of guilt and shame that comes from not living a life according to love, honesty, and a higher truth. So may you be blessed this Independence Day into living a life of true freedom and hope for a better life according to the wishes of God. Happy 4th of July and may you have a truly free Independence Day!