Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Importance of Play

Playing is important. It's so important that even the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights declared that play is a basic human right for every child! You can click here to read a list of the benefits of play, presented through the University of Delaware. Suffice it to say, play isn’t just for passing time or keeping children occupied; no, it has a very specific design. Prolific Christian author, CS Lewis said something to the effect of since playing is so important, it must have been designed by God. I think this is true.

We’ve gotten away from play. In our hyperactive culture, we put more value on working hard and productivity. As a result, many of us have lost touch with our creative and fun-loving side. Remember the famous saying, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Just look at Jack Nicholson’s character in, “The Shining.”

I think we need to recapture the importance and benefits of play for our sake, for God’s, as well as our task of bringing people into God’s family. Play is fun, it helps us relieve stress, and it even draws a crowd!

So I ask these questions, and please, let me know what you think:

• What do you think about the importance of playing?
• How can play change the way we worship God?
• How can play change the way we serve God?

1 comment:

Mark Jordan said...

I love to play games with Ethan, even though sometimes he asks while I'm trying to be productive. But I've found that if I grant him the half-hour or so to play, we're all better for it! I definitely need to do a better job of playing more.