Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Ready for an ADVENTure?

This coming Sunday begins the season of Advent. This is the season of preparation, including four Sundays, that helps us get ready for Christmas. The term Advent comes from the Latin, adventus, which literally means, coming. It is during this season when we commemorate the first coming of the Messiah in the Christ child while looking forward to the second coming of Jesus and the complete institution of the Reign of GOD. It is a season of excitement, anticipation, and focusing on the adventure of a life lived in GOD!

Advent is not Christmas, even though culturally we see a lot of bleed-over. Just as soon as the Halloween jack-o-lanterns are put away, the Christmas decorations appear and festive music begins to hit the airwaves. We tend to get so inundated with the approaching holidays, that by the time the Thanksgiving turkeys are ready for lunch, the Christmas season has already begun. Then, once December 26th arrives, we are so over Christmas that we are ready to put away our decorations and the stores are trying to prepare us for Valentine’s Day. The problem is, by then we have just entered into the Christmas season and are to begin celebrating GOD’s gift to us of Jesus. When you think about it, it really is sad.

The church really wants us to be more intentional about our preparation for Christmas, hence the season of Advent. Advent is designed to help us strategically prepare our lives for the miracle of Christmas. This way, by the time the big day has arrived, the excitement and anticipation has built to a fever pitch that we are so ready for the celebration that we do not want it to end! So as we go through these next four weeks of Advent, we will focus on the hope, peace, joy, and love of GOD so that we are almost ready to burst with excitement and anticipation that comes with Christmas. Thinking of it this way, Advent should be much more like an adventure than the motions through which we go to mark the days off of a calendar.

To help us order our preparation for Christmas this Advent, we will refocus on our Be Part of the Miracle ministry emphasis. Since the miracle is GOD’s presence and activity in, for, and through us – despite how little we actually deserve it – Advent is the perfect time to think about the miracle of GOD. For at Christmas, GOD broke into our human history in the person of Jesus, born humbly in a manger in Bethlehem. That birth, with the star, angels, shepherds, wise men, and such began the adventure of salvation that GOD invites us all to participate in and enjoy. So this Sunday, Pastor John and I will introduce our Advent message series: Be Part of the CHRISTMAS Miracle! These are the topics we will cover during our Advent series…
1.      December 2: Be Part of the Christmas Miracle
2.      December 9: Be Part of the Miracle of Generosity
3.      December 16: Be Part of the Miracle of Family
4.      December 23: Be Part of the Miracle of Celebration
5.      December 24: Be Part of the Miracle of New Life...the Miracle of Jesus

This season will also encompass a special mission giving emphasis, so we can help spread the miracle across the globe! One idea is to make a missions gift to the church equal to, or greater than, the amount of money you would spend on a gift for a loved one. We will have special receptacles available to receive your gifts to help be part of the Christmas miracle for others.

I hope you will make every effort to come and be part of this ADVENTure as we prepare for the glory of Christmas! When GOD came in Jesus, everything else was different forever. It was a miraculous event that still causes miracles today. So come, be a part of this series, and make a point to be a miracle for someone else, introducing them to the love and light of GOD in Christ Jesus this Advent, Christmas, and beyond!

Hope to see you Sunday as we begin this ADVENTure together!
Pastor Mark 

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