Thursday, May 17, 2012

Einstein On Miracles

The concept of miracles is one that has been very important for me lately. After doing some study, research, and prayer, I am convinced that GOD is still very much in the miracle-working business. We might be inclined to think that GOD is not working miracles like He did in the days of parting seas, raising the dead, and helping the immobile move, but I know for a fact in thinking about GOD's presence and power that gets manifested in my own life, that He is still very much in the miracle-working business! 

Albert Einstein once said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” This begs the question for me: how are you living? Are you living as though everything is a miracle, or are you living as though nothing is a miracle? In order for us see everything as a miracle, we need to acknowledge the miraculous love of Jesus Christ, and consider that in light of what Paul wrote as recorded in Acts 17:28, that in Him we live, move, and have our being. This is talking about a perpetual acknowledgement of GOD's presence and power and striving to apply that knowledge to every aspect of our lives. This is not to say that life will always be perfect...far from it...but that we can sense GOD's presence and activity regardless of what is currently transpiring.

Life can be a real challenge sometimes, but understanding that GOD's desire is to prepare us for Heaven and not make us comfortable in the here-and-now makes a HUGE difference. This can provide some serious faith inducing hope to give perspective for all of life foibles...the ones of our own making and the ones over which we have no control. Having that kind of knowledge can transform us not just today, but for eternity as well. What is important is perspective and viewing life itself as a miraculous gift from GOD Almighty!

So how are you living life today? Are you viewing it as a miracle or just some random accident? How do you think GOD wants you to see your life in Him? My guess is as the miracle that it is!

Have a great rest of the week and live miraculously!

1 comment:

Kay Dew Shostak said...

Love your thinking - Have you read C.S.Lewis' book on Miracles? Really good. I reread it this past winter and got even more out of it than the first time, which was twenty years ago when I would sit on the side of Ryan's bed trying to get him to nap. Wonder why I didn't get as much out of it then?