Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Right Way/Wrong Way

We have a God who (thankfully) allows us to make U-Turns in life! As we discussed in our Easter Sunday message, repentance is a word that means a literal change in the way we think and live. If you are going the wrong way in life, then make a U-Turn to start living the right way. But know this: your U-Turn is not the destination in and of itself, but the beginning of a brand new journey. This is important for us to acknowledge, lest we think that all we need to do is make a U-Turn and then end the journey right then and there.

As Jesus was teaching and preparing His disciples for His inevitable departure, He said, “I am the Road, also the Truth, also the Life. No one gets to the Father apart from me” (John 14:6, The Message). This teaching gives us the explicit idea that Jesus isn’t merely the destination, because He is also the road by which we travel! In our U-Turn, Jesus is inviting us to join Him on His road — Jesus Road — the road that leads to God.

All too often, we have a dead-end experience and we know we must make a U-Turn, but before too long, we are right back on the same road as before. Jesus is intent on showing us the right way, but we still choose the wrong way. The GOOD NEWS is God is gracious and loving and allows us to make another U-Turn to leave the wrong way and get back on the right way…the Jesus Road.

Traveling along the Jesus Road will leave us changed, no doubt about it. This is threatening for some. I can remember sharing my faith with someone years ago who thought that following Jesus meant that we could never have any fun. Sadly, this is an indictment on the way many believers live out their faith; either inconsistently or so woefully lacking joy. Following Jesus isn’t about never enjoying life, because it is about experiencing a life we could never ever dream of apart from Him.

In Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus said, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” There is an inherent paradox in this teaching, which is for those on the path to destruction, the Jesus Road seems so restrictive and constrictive, but in reality, following Christ reveals a whole new path full of life-giving love that we would otherwise never experience. But again, the Jesus Road leaves us changed.

Once we make the U-Turn, leaving the wrong way for the right way on the Jesus Road, we also begin to see things that we never saw previously. The Lord enlightens our hearts, eyes, and ears to suffering in the world, the blight of the needy, and cries of the oppressed seeking truth and life. Our journey along Jesus Road, therefore, becomes one of reaching out in love and concern for those who need it so desperately. Traveling along Jesus Road, we begin to sense the brokenness of the world in ways we never did before, and the Casting Crowns song lyric all of a sudden makes sense: “Lord, break my heart for what breaks yours.”

God is inviting you on a journey to Him down Jesus Road, and He wants you to use your resources and relationships wisely to help others reach their heavenly destination, too. Have you ever experienced a burden well up within you so powerfully that you uttered rhetorically, “Somebody ought to do something about that”? Have you considered that you might very well be that somebody? God wants to use your life as you travel the right way down Jesus Road to help others find their dead-end, make their U-Turn, and join you on the journey to God.

Who has God placed in your life? What burdens has God placed in your heart? What resources has God given you to help you be that somebody who can make an eternal difference for another? Make that U-Turn…get on Jesus Road…help others get there, too! 

You can watch the video for this message by clicking here.

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