Tuesday, February 10, 2015

It's Our ARK Week!

This past Sunday we kicked off our Acts of Random Kindness week! This is an emphasis we are joining in with our Childcare Center to help make a difference in our church, community, and across the world! The premise is simple: keep your eyes and ears peeled for opportunities to do something kind for someone...it can be a friend, family member, coworker, neighbor, or complete stranger! If you have a story to share, we encourage you to post it to one of our Facebook pages: www.facebook.com/CokesChapel or www.facebook.com/CokesChapelChildcare

There is a great scene in the Steve Carell and Morgan Freeman movie, "Evan Almighty," where this idea is beautifully illustrated. Evan (Carell) and God (Freeman) are walking through a yard when God asks Evan if he wants to change the world, because God definitely does. Evan replies that he does not know where to begin to accomplish this task. God said that the transformation of the world begins with acts of random kindness, and inspires Evan with a simple gesture of providing drinking water for a nearby dog. You can watch the clip below... 

As we kicked off this emphasis, I reminded those in worship of our current vision and mission emphasis — Cokes Chapel: a place for all GOD's children, making disciples for Jesus to transform the world here, there, and everywhere! 1 John 5:1-2 provides the summation for this vision and mission emphasis as we remember that we prove our love for God in the ways we love God's children. 

I hope that you are taking this emphasis seriously and looking for ways to help transform the world, beginning with simple acts of random kindness. This can begin a chain reaction of love and kindness emanating from our church into the community, from our community into the region, and from the region into the rest of the world. Help us in the emphasis by performing acts of random kindness, sharing your stories, and keeping the chain going well beyond this week!

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