Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Weekend for Service

In this year’s Good Friday service, I taught from John 13.1-17 and how Jesus washed his disciples’ feet. I focused in on vs.15 when he said that he gave them – and us! – an example to follow. That word, ‘example’, in the biblical language is the same word we use for pattern, as in a pattern for a piece of clothing. It is as though Jesus wants us to wear our love, service, and sacrifice like a garment.

We have two opportunities to “wear our love, service, and sacrifice” like a garment this weekend and I hope you will avail yourself to them to help others in our church and community.

On Saturday, we are having our inaugural Spring Fling for the Childcare Center from 9am – 2pm. This promises to be a wonderful time for the families in our Center, as well as raise awareness for those who might be looking for childcare, summer camp, or Georgia Pre-K. We will have food, games, bouncy houses, visits from local police and fire departments to show off their equipment and promote safety, and opportunities to “touch-a-truck” with some really cool construction vehicles. Guests will also be able to meet the Center staff and check out our facilities.

On Sunday, we will complete our recent gift basket project for the Community Welcome House. The Community Welcome House is our local domestic abuse shelter and the residents are often fleeing for their lives with nothing more than the clothes they are wearing. We are providing trinkets and other items to help care for these families in crisis. The baskets will be assembled on Sunday following the 11am worship celebration. Per the email that was sent out on Monday, we still have some needs for the baskets:
-          For Women:
·        Socks
·        5 make-up bags (to hold small stuff)
·        Journals
·        Flashlights
·        batteries (all sizes)
·        Chocolate candy
·        Large tissue boxes
·        Gum/mints
·        Nail files or polish
·        Miscellaneous - scarves, jewelry, etc.
·        Flip flops
·        10 gift cards (Wal-Mart, Target, Dollar Store, etc.)

-          For Children:
·        4 containers/baskets
·        Socks (boys & girls)
·        Flashlights
·        Toys - boys & girls
·        Candy
·        Juice boxes
·        Little blankets
·        Flip flops (boys & girls)
·        NOTE: we do NOT need crayons; we have plenty

Please make plans to be a part of these special events and opportunities to serve this weekend. May we all follow the Apostle Paul’s advice in Colossians 3.12 and clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience in service to others in our church, Childcare Center, community, and beyond!

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