Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year!

I had a moment of excitement come over me a few minutes ago — I got a new calendar this year...a "Star Wars" calendar, no less...and it's time to remove it from the shrink wrap and hang it in my man cave. 

Even though I'm pretty digitally-centric these days, there is something kinda fun about breaking out, and breaking in, a new calendar. Tiffany and I both enjoy getting new calendars and using them to track things like birthdays, anniversaries, and special reminders, as well as to maintain perspective as we travel through the currently wide open spaces of the new year. 

There's a lot of hope and anticipation that goes with a new year. Chances to get things do them better than in the previous year...allowing the lessons learned from the past to become the wisdom through which we approach the brand new. I certainly learned a lot in 2015, and I'm ready to begin anew; to allow the lessons of forgiveness, grace, mercy, and love to be my path through the unknown of 2016. And these divine gifts — given us by God — truly help us turn the page from previous missteps and mistakes so we can embrace the newness in store for us all. 

So in these waning hours of 2015, I want to share a piece of scripture that has inspired me countless times to leave the past right where it belongs and embrace the unbridled potential of this, our New Year.

[God said,] “Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it?" (Isaiah 43:18-19a, MSG)

For 2016, instead of merely turning the page to the New Year, I am hanging a brand new calendar. I'm bursting it out of the packaging with great anticipation for the new thing that God wants to do in my life, in your life, in all of our lives. 

Do you see it? 

Can you feel it? 

Be alert and present, because something brand new is coming!

Happy New Year with love!

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