Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Your Nets

A couple Sundays ago, I taught from the Gospel of Mark’s account of Jesus calling Simon, Andrew, James, and John to be his first disciples. Those four men were professional fishermen, so nets played a prominent role in this story.
In the time of Jesus, professional fishermen used two basic kinds of nets. The first was the kind of net that was tossed out into the water and drawn back in, hopefully catching fish or two along the way. The second kind of net was actually dragged behind the boat, catching the fish in the net as the vessel traveled through the water.
As Jesus encountered Simon, Andrew, James, and John, and offered them the invitation to follow him and fish for people (Mark 1:17), we learn that they all immediately left their nets and followed. For Simon and Andrew, they dropped the nets that were being actively used to try and catch fish. For James and John, they left nets that they were mending for future expeditions. I think it is plausible that both kinds of nets were being used by these fishermen in this account.
A lot has been said about those first disciples leaving their nets and following. Can you imagine the faith that took? Have you thought about what it would look like for you to drop your proverbial nets and follow Jesus? If the Lord were to walk into wherever it is you are reading this article, and ask you to leave your nets and follow, what would you have to leave? Family? Work? Hobbies? Put simply, what would you have to leave behind to truly follow Jesus?
There is no doubt that each and every one of us have things in our lives that we need to leave behind and follow Jesus. These are metaphorical nets that tangle, trap, and tie us down, keeping us from actively following Jesus and getting the most out of the life God wants for us. But in some cases, when mended carefully and prayerfully, your nets might actually provide you the opportunities to fish for people. Our relationships, jobs, hobbies, and everything else when given to Jesus as a faithful follower can be used as a net to fish for people!
We can be very strategic and thoughtful in how we cast our nets to intentionally reach people. Invite a friend or family member to worship or a church activity. Use a meal, golf outing, fishing trip, or shopping expedition to build a stronger relationship with someone and share your faith in Jesus. Casting these kinds of nets might require you to mend some things in your life, but they provide you opportunities to engage people with Jesus’ offer of salvation.
We also must be very conscientious about how we live our lives when we think no one is watching. Think of this in terms of character or integrity, and your witness. The very way you live your life is a testimony to the One you claim to follow. Obviously we have some net-mending to do here, too, because the net that is cast in the wake of our lives can catch someone for Jesus or drive them away.
As you think about the nets of your life, I want you to think about these three questions…your answers might just cast the course of eternity for countless people!

1) Do you have a net that is tangling your life and needs to be abandoned?

2) Do you have a net that needs to be mended to maximize its effectiveness?

3) Do you have a net that needs to be repositioned or repurposed?
I would love to hear any answers to those questions.
Happy fishing!

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