Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Let the River Flow

This past weekend, Cokes Chapel joined with other United Methodist Churches in our community, to make a difference in the name of Jesus through River of Life: Coweta. The impetus for this event came as a result of our FOCUS Youth’s faithful participation in River of Life: Macon for the past several years. The goal was to help the River branch out into our community and begin providing opportunities for the youth in our church and community to come together in worship, fellowship, and service to experience the synergistic power of the Holy Spirit that occurs when followers of Jesus gather to make a difference. After watching the event unfold this past week, I can emphatically say the goal was achieved!

In John 7:38, Jesus said, “Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” This verse is something that many got to witness as our youth joined in with others to passionately serve and worship the Lord. The Holy Spirit descended into our church in a mighty way, filled the hearts of the participants, which they then carried out in service to impact others. This is precisely how the flow of the Spirit works in our lives…it sweeps us up and then moves us in ways only God can orchestrate to accomplish God’s task for us to share the Good News. Just think of it – youth and adults, giving of their weekend, working and serving in the record cold temperatures, to share the love of God and experiencing God’s love in a new and profound way.

In worship on Sunday, we were blessed to hear the record of service from this River of Life. I want to share it with you again in this format so you can see and celebrate with us how the flow of God swept us up as a church, joining together with others in the community, to serve, share, and shine for God. Consider what was accomplished:
·        17 months of prep work
·        288 hours of planning
·        72 hour prayer vigil
·        Included 4 states
·        427 work hours
·        63 facility hours
·        92 kitchen hours
·        52 lbs meat
·        180 pancakes
·        112 gallons of beverages
·        20 lbs of fruit
·        12 actually consumed
·        1 lb actually juggled
·        40 students
·        72 adults
·        6 worksites
·        50 people served yesterday
·        Over 300 served this week
·        Infinite number of lives changed!

I hope you will join with me to celebrate what God accomplished through our youth and leadership. And as we prepare for Thanksgiving and the holy seasons of Advent and Christmas, remember these impacts and let the river flow from us to share with others the goodness and love of God!

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