Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day Blessings

As you might know, today is Veteran's Day. Veteran’s Day commemorates the Armistice, which is when the Allies and Germans ended their fighting in World War I at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. Veteran’s Day has taken several forms throughout the years and been commemorated on different days, but the 1978 Congress set it as a state and federal holiday on November 11th. Veteran's Day was also set aside to remember all who have served, and are serving, in the US military.

In a time of war, it is even more important that we remember the men and women who have served our country so valiantly. Please remember those who are currently engaged in the fight for freedom against tyranny and terrorism. Also, say a special prayer for those who have paid the ultimate price to secure and preserve our freedom.

Here is a prayer I found and adapted for Veteran’s Day. As you read and pray these words, please think of the commitment and courage of those who have given – and give – so much!

God of peace, we pray for those who have served our nation and who laid down their lives to protect and defend our freedom. We pray for those who have fought; whose spirits and bodies are scarred by war; and whose nights are haunted by memories too painful for the light of day. We pray for those who serve us now, especially for those in harm’s way. Shield them from danger and bring them home safely. Let the peace you left us, the peace you gave us, be the peace that sustains, the peace that saves. Christ Jesus, hear us! Lord Jesus, hear our prayer!

Have a great day and pray for our nation’s veterans, past and present!

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