Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day, Everyone!
This is a very meaningful day for my family and me. I have many friends and family members who have, or are, serving in the US Military. In fact, as I sit in my "man cave," I cannot help but see the US flag presented to our family during my maternal grandfather's burial for serving in the Navy during WWII. It is a cherished piece of national and family history, and I know there are many many more like it adorning living rooms, offices, etc. throughout this great land of ours. And even if you do not necessarily agree with all of this country's politics and policies, the brave men and women who have and are sacrificing so much are worthy of our pause.

Memorial Day, like any of our holidays, seems to be better known for the things we do as opposed to the reason we celebrate. It has become synonymous with the end of the school year, time off from work, vacations, grilling, baseball, swimming, etc., but its meaning is so much deeper. I do not think there's anything wrong with enjoying our freedom and liberty on days like today; in fact, this is precisely why those who gave their lives served in the first place! There are a few things we can do, however, to get the most out of this day, and I want to offer these mere suggestions as a way to truly enjoy Memorial Day.

1) Remember: Remember why we have this day to begin with. While we are enjoying our time away from the monotony of everyday life, there are people who awake this morning with a void in their lives as a result of the loss of a loved one who paid the ultimate sacrifice. While you remember your freedom, remember those to whom this day is a reminder of loss.

2) Pause & Pray: Remember to pause and pray to thank God for those who heeded the call to serve. This can be done before getting out of the bed, before the cookout, or while kneeling at your bedside tonight. The bottom line, though, is to pause and remember that sacrifice is an extremely biblical concept, and even God paid it all in Jesus to secure our freedom and way of eternal life.

3) Display: Remember to find a way to display your patriotism, pride, and/or need. I was in a neighborhood the other day that draped small American flags over the mailboxes, as an example. I myself am wearing red, white, and blue today. I also am wearing one of my favorite cross necklaces near my heart to remind me that Jesus paid it all, too, for my freedom and liberation from sin and death.

4) CELEBRATE: Not everything has to be solemn, and I think it's critically important to remember to CELEBRATE!!! After all, like I said previously, we need to celebrate the freedom we enjoy because these brave men and women paid it all, or are currently in harm's way to protect and preserve our freedom. Even with God, we have been granted liberation from the sting of death and are called to enjoy His love and creation. Memorial Day celebrations provide unique opportunities to do that with friends and family, too, so let's celebrate the sacrifice as well as the fun we can enjoy as a result!

Whatever your day has in store for you, I hope it is blessed for you and yours. I, myself, will be remembering those who served (like both my grandfathers, great uncle, and childhood best friend among others); pausing and praying several times today, especially before I devour the burger I'm gonna grill; displaying my pride and faith; and celebrating the freedom that has been secured at such a great price. These freedoms and blessings are first and foremost in my mind today, and I'm going to remember all that was given to make it possible. Will you join me?

Happy Memorial Day!

1 comment:


Wonderful sentiments Mark. As a Christian that struggles with the presence of the flag in our worship services, not because I don't love America but due to its sometimes being considered by some as equal to the cross, I needed to be reminded of ways to celebrate national holidays and it comes down to freedom and sacrifice. Those concepts sound biblical to me. God bless you and thanks bro!!