Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ethan and the Nightlight

Something struck me this morning as I went to tidy Ethan’s room once he left for school. He has to get up so early to catch the bus, and like so many homes we are in a 30-minute marathon to get him out the door; we, therefore we allow him to literally roll out of bed and come downstairs to get dressed, have breakfast, and enjoy a little family time before the day begins. So each morning, Tiffany or I saunter upstairs to turn off his fan, alarm clock, and nightlight. This strikes me because last night when I went to check on him after he fell asleep, he was doing everything in his power (i.e., covering his face with his pillow) to block out the light from his nightlight.

I am a very light-sensitive sleeper, so I suppose he comes by it naturally. We both prefer pitch-black darkness in order to sleep. This is why I find it strange that he still chooses to sleep with a nightlight. So I simply asked him, “Why do you want to keep using a nightlight when you need to sleep in total darkness?” I take it he has pondered this existential dilemma as well because he was quick to respond. This is what he said, “Dad, it’s because I want to be able to see if I ever wake up in the middle of the night to get to the bathroom.” His answer had a simple profundity that can hardly be argued.

This got me contemplating the need for a light in the darkness. Ethan wants to know the light is there so he can see to get to the bathroom, but I also think there is another reason: he wants to make sure his room environment looks basically the same at night as it does in the day. Let’s face it – things can look different at 3am, can’t they? Strange shadows can be cast and what is a cute cuddly plush toy can appear to be the boogey man in the middle of the night. So using a nightlight helps him know that there is always a light shining in the darkness to guide him to the bathroom, cast away the shadows that play tricks on his mind in the dark, and help him know the truth that he can rest in comfort and safety.

Jesus said in John 9.5b, “I am the light of the world.” The Bible also says in 2 Corinthians 4.6, “For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.” God has given us a light to shine perpetually in our lives. I think there is a great parallel with why Ethan continues to use a nightlight: (a) God gave us Jesus so we can see in the times we walk in darkness; (b) God gave us Jesus to cast away the shadows that play tricks on our eyes; and (c) God gave us Jesus so we’ll know the truth of His love even when we feel all alone, comforting us that He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world. (1 John 4.4 – in other words, “Yeah God, and boo devil!”)

I’m not sure if your eyes still play tricks on you in the middle of the night. I know mine do. And my mind still plays tricks on me in the middle of the day when I see or feel darkness all around me. When I’m not sure where to go, when I think all is lost, and when I’m searching for the truth, Jesus is there as an ever present help in times of trouble to help me know I’m not alone. (Psalm 46.1)

The light is always there. If you feel you’re stumbling around in the darkness, open the eyes of your heart to acknowledge the light that shines the face of God in Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 1.18) He’s leading the way. (Matthew 4.16) He’s casting out the shadows. (James 1.17) He’s shining light as the truth. He can do this, my friends, because He IS the LIGHT! May He illuminate your life today!

Be blessed and let the light so shine.


Shannon Karafanda said...

Isn't it funny how we go to sleep easier when there's a night light but sleep better when there is no light at all? I think it's because when we sleep we totally surrender and let nature take over. If we were to do the same spiritually, it would be so much easier to take the light into the darkness.

Mark Jordan said...

Very well said!