As you are probably aware, Tiffany and I are awaiting word for when we can go to China to bring Mia home. To say this has been a journey is an understatement! Since we filed our application and initial paperwork in January of 2014, we have been on a road of ups and downs, zigs and zags, and now find ourselves waiting until we get to travel.
The support we have received from friends, family, and complete strangers has been awe inspiring and humbling. From the time we made our official announcement, to the sales of the t-shirts Ethan designed, to the ongoing fundraising and baby showers, to the RACE for the Orphans, and simple random acts of kindness, people have rallied around our family in ways that can only be comprehended in light of God's grace. It has been nothing short of amazing!
While we are in this waiting phase and preparing to travel, Tiffany and I are beginning to learn more about the culture and area where Mia has spent the first 2+ years of her life. From the landscape to language, we are working to familiarize ourselves as best we can to help facilitate her transition to our family and an altogether different environment.
During my research and study, I discovered something intriguing about the Chinese proverb, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Since one cannot perfectly translate the Chinese dialects into English, there is a nuance that seems to be missing. Based on what I have read about this proverb, it is probably more accurately translated, “A journey of a thousand miles begins before a single step.” The implied message being that before one can begin a journey, he or she must decide from a position of stillness that this is the journey to take.
As I reflect over that proverb, the simple addition of the word, before, is truly significant. From the moment when Tiffany and I separately felt God calling us to this, through the stages when we were busy reading, writing, and attending classes, and even through the waiting periods similar to what we are experiencing now, we each have that sense that we are called to this journey. This has helped motivate us when we were overwhelmed with things to do, as well as keep us focused during the times when all we can do is wait.
God has called each and every one of us to some form of journey in our lives. The individual burdens and passions we bear are what reveals to us the ministry God has called us to in order to serve the world. This ministry/journey is not merely for the ordained or the vocational Christians, but each and every one who professes faith in Christ. Think of Jesus telling Peter he was going to teach him to fish for people…this is the essence of using our lives in service to God.
Where are you in your journey? Are you standing still, waiting on a word from God as to where to go? Have you already begun your journey and see yourself actively working to serve God by serving others? Or are you perhaps in a transitional period where you might be shifting gears or changing lanes? May we continue our journey with faith and perseverance, regardless of how far along we are or how much farther we still have to go. We might be standing still waiting to take that first step, or somewhere between miles 1 and 1,000, but through it all, we can be bold and courageous because God is with us and promises never leave nor forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6).
May we all press on in our journeys...the ones we have been called to for the cause of Jesus Christ! I thank you for being such an integral part of our journey, and I’m eager to see where it takes us next.
See you along the road,