Thursday, April 19, 2012

I tend to be a bit of an infomercial hound. I like to see what new products are on the horizon and how they will change the way we live. Some are ingenious, some completely outlandish, and some downright absurd. I guess that’s why infomercials are so entertaining.

Several weeks ago I was watching a little television and ran across an infomercial for the latest and greatest life-changing gizmo. During the half-hour commercial, a paid spokesperson was shown going around town aiming to convince people they have not lived until they have experienced what this doo-dad can do. Toward the end of the infomercial, this spokesperson made the following pronouncement, “It will change your life!” Needless to say, I really began wondering if this thingamabob was truly what my heart lacked.

In my short years, I have heard many pitches for products that will change my life. I have even bought a few of these products myself—mostly exercise equipment in search of perfect abs—only to realize that another gadget did more for my credit rating than it did my waistline. I needed to realize that buying these things would not guarantee a change until I was first committed to my desired results. The magic, therefore, was not in some new space-age trinket, but within my own heart and dedication to the change. In other words, no piece of workout equipment would change my body unless I first committed myself to using it and then actually used it!

We were created with a very specific purpose in mind: fellowship with God. When we are not living for GOD, we very plain and simply are not living “on purpose.” To quote the famous theologian, Saint Augustine, “Our hearts are restless until they rest in [GOD].” In order for life to have meaning, we must realize we were intended to live with GOD all along.

As part of our human nature, we hope we’ll find fulfillment from the perfect body, new car, or a faster latest fad. We try to buy happiness but end up filling our garages while emptying our hearts. We might look for a true life-changing experience in a treadmill, abs gadget, juicer, or rotisserie cooker, but these searches invariably leave us (pardon the pun) hungry for more. So we must consume ourselves with searching for GOD and our heart set on a transformed life!

The problem is we still yearn for fulfillment from things we can wrap our arms around. You might find it impossible to believe GOD would want to be in a relationship with you, and for this reason, you probably yearn for things you can see and understand; for example, being able to see yourself enjoying the thrill of a new dream car, dream house, or dream job. But in the end, you are left wondering if some “As Seen on TV” gadget is what you’re lacking.

We are in the Easter season—and will be until Pentecost which is May 27th this year—a time when we are continually called to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross for you and me. This might seem hard to wrap our arms around, but the promise of Easter is that GOD is wrapping His arms around us! And friends, there is nothing in the world that can effect as much change in any one person’s life as the cross of Jesus! So realize that the answer to life’s question will never come from an infomercial doohickey, but in a prayerful turn to GOD.

If you find yourself searching for a real life change in things that will only rust and decay, turn your eyes upon Jesus and look full in his wonderful face. Realize that all you need to see is your Lord, Jesus, and hear his soft voice of love and forgiveness welcoming you home. This, my friends—with all due respect to the latest thingy—will change your life!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Maundy Thursday

Today is Maundy Thursday, also known as Holy Thursday, and it is a significant day in the history of the Christian church.

The word, "Maundy," comes from the Latin, "mandatum," which is where we get our English word, "mandate." The idea for Maundy Thursday is we commemorate Jesus offering His commandment -- to love as we have been loved by GOD -- as recorded in John 13.34: "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another"(NKJV). After saying this, Jesus then showed us the connection between love & personal service by kneeling to wash His disciples' feet. After that amazing act of loving service, Jesus gave us the format for our modern day Holy Communion services as He broke bread and passed the cup saying, "Do this in remembrance of me."

We hope you will come to experience this unique opportunity to bask in the power of Jesus' mandatums on this Maundy Thursday. We hope to see you for Holy Communion at noon and then again for our formal Maundy Thursday service at 7pm. Both services are to be held in the sanctuary.

Praise GOD from whom all blessings flow!
Pastor Mark