What does the word, “HOPE,” mean to you? It is covered a lot in the Bible (it’s mentioned 144 times!) and is something we each and everyone have experienced at one time or another. Maybe you hoped for a certain gift at Christmas or a birthday. Maybe you hoped you would pass a class in school. Maybe you hoped something good would happen to you, or that you would avoid something bad. Regardless, we can relate to the experience of hope in life and know that it means we hold on to something in the face of the unknown.
There are two things in particular that strike me about hope. The first is how Hebrews 6:19 defines hope as the anchor of the soul. Think about that for a moment and what a powerful image it provides – your soul being anchored while sailing through the seas of life with all its storms, wind, and waves. Hope is what can steady you and keep you from succumbing to the unknown, because it confirms in you the power of GOD’s loving presence in your life.
The second comes from Romans 5.5 as Paul writes that hope does not disappoint. The context of that statement is that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance produces character, and character produces hope. Hope is what does not disappoint! I guess when you’ve gotten to the bottom of everything else you had, then hope is all that’s left.
Hope has been on my mind a lot lately. We’ve been helping people all over the world who seem to have nothing left but hope. We know from Scripture that our lives of faith are the powerful projections of GOD in the world, so think about how you can reflect the image of GOD to creation with your life. I concede it isn’t always easy and doesn’t always happen according to our timeframe, but regardless, it’s always worth it! Take seriously your call to live a life of hope, both for yourself and for others who need to see it in you, too!
There are two things in particular that strike me about hope. The first is how Hebrews 6:19 defines hope as the anchor of the soul. Think about that for a moment and what a powerful image it provides – your soul being anchored while sailing through the seas of life with all its storms, wind, and waves. Hope is what can steady you and keep you from succumbing to the unknown, because it confirms in you the power of GOD’s loving presence in your life.
The second comes from Romans 5.5 as Paul writes that hope does not disappoint. The context of that statement is that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance produces character, and character produces hope. Hope is what does not disappoint! I guess when you’ve gotten to the bottom of everything else you had, then hope is all that’s left.
Hope has been on my mind a lot lately. We’ve been helping people all over the world who seem to have nothing left but hope. We know from Scripture that our lives of faith are the powerful projections of GOD in the world, so think about how you can reflect the image of GOD to creation with your life. I concede it isn’t always easy and doesn’t always happen according to our timeframe, but regardless, it’s always worth it! Take seriously your call to live a life of hope, both for yourself and for others who need to see it in you, too!