Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
May the Lord bless you this season and for all eternity!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

It's Thansgiving Day

Thanksgiving is here! Wow. Later today Tiffany's family will descend upon our home for a wonderful feast. Well, at least I hope it's wonderful.

We've been working like crazy the last week to get the ole homestead ready for the feast. We cleaned out our garage, finished laying the decking in our attic, re-covered our kitchen chairs, shampooed our carpets, and even put up our Christmas decorations. As I sit here typing this blog post, I cannot help but chuckle because several of the things we did to "get ready" for Thanksgiving have little-to-no bearing on the day itself. Still, we found unfinished business that we needed to tackle.

Yesterday, Nov. 26, marked the 2nd anniversary of our move to this house. When we first made the move, we worked tirelessly to get our house put together. It's amazing, though, how the ardours of home ownership never go away. It requires constant attention, work, and patience (among other things, too).

As I think about the things for which I am thankful, relationships top that list! Maintaining a home and maintaining relationships are alike in some very real ways. When neglected, things get cluttered, dirty, and dilapidated. We might look round and think it hasn't been that long, when in reality times slips by at a greater rate than we realize.

On this day of giving thanks, I think it is appropriate that we focus some much-needed attention on our relationships. We might need to clean out some clutter, re-work the foundations, and enjoy some of the finer things in life that beautify our existence. It isn't just about eating too much and watching football (though I plan on doing plenty of both!) but about connecting and re-connecting with those we love.

So may your day of giving thanks be a momentous occasion for you and yours! And let's keep that same level of attention we have in getting ready for company as we do once they're there!

Happy Thanksgiving.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

My, Where Has The Time Gone?

I decided to take a peek at my blog page today and realized I haven't updated it since March. Egad, that's bad! I must do better because I enjoy this outlet for sharing my thoughts and ideas. It doesn't seem like nearly seven months since that day I was out playing tennis with Tiffany and Ethan. It causes me to ask the age-old question, "My, where has the time gone?"

Recently I have gotten into Facebook. It was one of those things I ventured into without realizing the significance of what it would mean. Early on I was communicating with persons from Lighthouse, which was cool. But it wasn't long before some much older friends began popping up. People I went to church, school, and worked with. As I began reconnecting with these long-lost friends I was amazed at how much has changed. In my minds' eye, these folks are still 18 years old, full of the promise of college, new jobs, military service, and so on and so forth. But to see where these men and women are now, well, suffice it to say that it amazes me.

I have found friends who are living all over the world. Friends who are in Broadway shows in New York. Friends who are seeing their dreams realized of being attorneys, doctors, actors, athletes, etc. and the funny thing is, none of them are 18 any more! They are all a little older, wiser (we can only hope, right?), heavier, thinner (up top), wrinkled, and caring for their own spouses and children. We have all grown up ... it wasn't just me! My, where has the time gone?

When I think about how much has changed, I think about how one thing remains constant, and that is the love of God. That's why two separate connections on Facebook have been very significant for me. I have reconnected with my two best friends from high school; the gents who helped me start the FCA in our school. One is living his life as a Christian singer and songwriter where the other is about to embark on a church planting project in Thailand! These dudes, with me makes three, all followed the call God placed upon their lives to live for Him in service. We are no longer leading prayer services in the stairwells or doing music and messages in the gymnasium, we are out doing what God has burdened our souls to do. All in different parts of the country, let alone the world.

If I am totally honest, then I must admit the these two fellas had as big an impact on me spiritually as as my parents, pastors, and youth ministers along the way. Together we helped teach each other about God's love; about relationships; and about how to navigate the potential pitfalls of high school while maintaining one's spirituality, integrity, and character. I thank God for these two men in my life.

True, we lost touch after school, as so often happens to even the best of friends. But reconnecting with these two people and all the others who I have found -- or been found by -- on Facebook reminds me that my life is a journey that may have seemingly different and confounding routes along the path, but in the end, is in the hand of my maker. I still follow the path God laid out for me, but I at times must scratch my graying head ask the question, "My where has the time gone."

Monday, March 24, 2008

Watch Out...Score Is Being Kept

I got a stark reminder the other day that score is being kept... Tiffany, Ethan, and I had gone to the neighborhood playground and tennis courts for a little recreation. Ethan hovered between the tennis courts and playground while Tiffany and I reminisced about how we used to play tennis several years and many pounds ago. We had fun getting out, stretching our legs, and taking in some fresh air as a family.

After an hour or so of chasing the tennis ball between the two different courts, we decided it was time to head home and have a nice dinner together. It was then that Ethan came to us with a pen and little notepad he had pulled from his pocket. He informed us that he had been keeping score while we played. Wanting to humor my little guy I asked him, "So what was the final tally?" This was his answer:
. Mommy: 2,000,000
. Daddy: 46

Hmmm. It reminds me that persons of faith are always being watched. Like the old saying goes, "You may be the only Bible someone ever reads." The way we live, words we say, things we do, etc. are always being seen, heard, observed, and processed. As much as we might hate to admit it, some folks will determine whether or not the Christian faith is right for them based on the testimonies they hear and/or see from people who profess faith in Jesus.

That can be a scary thought for some--if not all--of us! We are not perfect beings, but place our faith in the ONE who is. Even when we do stupid, shortsighted, thick-headed things, we can hurt our witness. But it also provides us an opportunity to point to the ONE who takes our shortcomings, redeems us, and makes us whole.

Forgiveness is one of the most critical elements of the Christian faith, and thank goodness for it. Without God's forgiveness, we'd be in a world of hurt as people continuously observe our lives and seek to keep score. There will be days when we feel like we're on the wrong side of a 2million to 46 scoreboard, but in the eyes of the Lord, we are all in need of His forgiveness, redemption, and love.

Happy day after Easter and have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

On Super Tuesday & Choices

Okay, okay, okay. I'm really interested in Super Tuesday. It's the closest thing to a national primary this country has ever seen. And by all accounts, voter turnout has been significant as people go to the polls so their voices can be heard as to who is most capable of leading this great country. It all comes down to choice. Choices, choices, choices...

When voting in an election, there are so many things to consider--personalities, platforms, and politics. These choices are important and do impact our futures and our lives.

As important as it is to make a wise choice when voting in an election, there are greater things in play...greater choices to be made.

As Joshua is completing his task of leading God's children on the last leg of their Exodus journey, he says to the people, "...choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve,.... But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." (Joshua 24.15)

May we all use such wisdom in making choices in our lives. Let's choose love. Let's choose GOD!

"We need to teach the next generation of children from day one
that they are responsible for their lives.
Mankind's greatest gift, also its greatest curse, is that we have free choice.
We can make our choices built from love or from fear."

~ Elizabeth Kubler Ross

Thursday, January 31, 2008


A whole stack of memories never equal one little hope. ~ Charles Schulz

"We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure." ~ The Bible, Hebrews 6.19a

We don't hope just for hope's sake, but in the One who gives us reason to Hope ... God!

Sunday, January 13, 2008


I had the opportunity to baptize four adults today in worship. It was a first for The Lighthouse Church. We've done babies, children, and youth, but not adults. And it's the circumstances that makes this so powerful.

The lady who precipitated this is dying of cancer. As I write this she is down to weeks left in her life (based on the docs best guess). She wanted to experience authentic baptism before she went to be with the Lord. As she shared her new faith with her family, they too came to faith in Christ and wanted to be baptized. So we did it! and boy was it special!

I remember speaking by phone with this lady last week when I learned her family would be joining her for the baptism service. She asked if it would okay. My initial reaction was pity the church where it wouldn't be okay.

Words cannot express the power in that worship center this morning. Here is someone who is facing her own mortality, surrounded by those who love her most. The very fact that some churches would not be in favor of doing this is absurd, but true. and the very fact that some serious pastoral care has already begun makes it even more worthwhile.

For after the elation of this day passes and the reality of the illness sets back in, the family will be left in worry and grief. Yet a relationship has begun where we can love, support, and care for this family before, during, and after the loss of their mother and grandmother. Who knows just how powerful the memories of this morning will be in the grand scheme of things.

It was a good day.