So they did it...the Atlanta Falcons won their first game today! Based on the responses from my first poll, I see they're already 1/3 of the way to their season total.
All teasing aside, it was great to see them win one…and not just pull one out, but win one! It seemed they had just about all aspects of their game together--offense, defense, and special teams. Not even the ghosts of 2 former quarterbacks and all the other hoopla of this early season could tarnish the sweetness of victory.
As humans, we enjoy games, sports, and such. Perhaps it's competition, pride, or simply the nature of play, but we enjoy games. And for those like me--who with the exception of a church softball game--are relegated to observers, there's just something about identifying with a team during the big game or after an exciting victory. Though it was the athletes who made the plays, we all share in the excitement of the event.
When I refer to my teams (Bulldawgs, Braves, Falcons, & Thrashers), I typically do so with the "We" moniker. Sure, I did nothing in the game, but I get so wrapped up in 'fandom' that I feel as though I'm part of the team. After all, with the time, energy, and money I invest in the teams, I am part of it.
We all want to belong to something bigger than ourselves. That's another big part of human nature. We all want to know that we make a difference; that we matter and what we do matters. The truth is we do matter. You matter to God. And when you're on His team, you BELONG!
So may you be blessed today with the notion that you belong; may you know that you can make a difference to God and those you love. And in the end, you'll realize we all share in the sweetness of victory in God's amazing love!